
supa doopa epicness

Mah super dooper mod ;) ;) ;)
dis is teh epicness
nad agin if u mist it
so heres teh insidez
u cover it in duk taep and it shootz liek a boss

supa epic stats!!!!!!!!!!
     fsp : over 9000

     rof : 999999 per planck time

     acurracie : quikscope with aimbot = headshotz @ 500000 miles

     so heres wahts kewl it shootz so fast teh beebeez melt togehter into a giant beebbee to pwn ur enemize and kills them all ded

    and teh fps is so high teh beebeez catch on fier and explodde liek a nuke in mw5
    and tahts kewl

    liek super kewl

    and were do teh bbeebez come from?

    a super portal taht steals ur enemiez bebeeez and givez u dem

    so u win teh game

    teh game u just lost trololololololololololol

    so yah ill just sell it for 99 trillion dollarz and teh govrenmnet will buy it so tey can pwn terrorists wiv it yayz!!!!!!!!!!