I just wanted to share with you readers a site you may have but probably didn't know about, pimpmygun. It's a neat site where you can put together parts from various guns and tactical accessories to see how they would look.
It works for a lot of different gun models, though AR-15's have the most parts by far. Below are some designs that I made using this site.
I based all mine off M4's simply because of the wide variety of customization, and the fact that I'm getting an M4 RIS for Christmas ;) Let me know what you think, and try out the site yourself!
Black Friday Deals
So what did you get this Black Friday?
I found many of the best deals were on AirsoftMegastore.com, some of which are still going on. I bought:
I found many of the best deals were on AirsoftMegastore.com, some of which are still going on. I bought:
- A midcap AK mag for $2
- An extended hicap M4 mag for $8
- An M14 rail mount for $15
- A Diamond Tactical 1x32 ACOG for $37
- A JG BAR-10 for $50
- And a free spring MP40
So here's the math on how much I saved:
- The AK mag was normally around $15 - An awesome $13 savings
- The M4 mag was half off - normally around $20 - $8 savings
- The M14 mount wasn't on sale but on Amazon is $30 - $15 savings
- The ACOG was 38% off normally $60 - $23 savings
- The BAR-10 was an amazing half off - $50 savings
- The MP40 was free - $20 savings
That adds up to $129 savings - that's more saved than I spent! I only wish I hadn't missed out on $0.01 TSD BB's and $0.05 MagPuls, but I really can't complain :) Thanks Airsoft Megastore!
Accuracy tests
Following the completion of this target, I decided to use it to do accuracy tests on various AEGs. These include the JG G3, CYMA AK-47 and CYMA M14.
JG G3 (short model)
CYMA CM.028 AK47
Airsoft Targets
While the most fun in Airsoft comes from going to battle with your friends, or anyone else, "plinking" in your backyard is also a fun way to shoot Airsoft, whether just taking a new gun out to see how it performs, sighting it in, testing accuracy, or just shooting targets for fun.
There are many ways to do this, most of the varieties relying on your target. Shooting an interactive target is much more fun than just aiming at trees, which is why enjoying target practice relies so much on what target you are using.
Rather than buying any targets, few of which seemed worthwhile anyway, I made a multitude of different targets and tried them all. Read more to find out about many of the targets I made for a few dollars each, which you can make from cheap, easily accessible materials.
Soft Air Taurus 24/7 review
Modified Ak-47 rear sight
The original sights on my CYMA CM.028 were okay, but not entirely to my liking. The largest problem was that the notch in the rear sight was too small to be quickly aligned and the entire sight wasn't even visible. They worked, but I didn't like them, so I fixed that.
original sights
The solution was ridiculously simple. I cut a piece of cardboard to the perfect size, glued it on and painted it. Ta-da. Easy as pie, effective and clean. If only all problems could be this simple to solve.
Performance/Value score formula V.2
You may know that I already made a formula to determine scientifically "which gun is better, A or B" Since the scores are universal to all Airsoft guns, you could theoretically find out what is "the best gun" for the price, anyway.
Well I decided that it wasn't good enough and redid the whole thing, making it over 9,000 times as awesome! Yay for geekiness! Also, near the end I figured out something rather entertaining you should read for a good laugh.
There's a lot more upkeep on a website than I thought.
I've redone the Performance/Value score formula so now I have to go through each review and figure out the new scores for each gun.
I've also updated the Navigation page with all the new posts.
I put up a new poll (suggestions for polls would be appreciated)
I also am writing reviews for the companion blog Blaster Mods and More, not to mention updating the other site. It's a lot of work. Don't say I don't work hard for you. :)
I've redone the Performance/Value score formula so now I have to go through each review and figure out the new scores for each gun.
I've also updated the Navigation page with all the new posts.
I put up a new poll (suggestions for polls would be appreciated)
I also am writing reviews for the companion blog Blaster Mods and More, not to mention updating the other site. It's a lot of work. Don't say I don't work hard for you. :)
Y&P USP .45
This USP (compensator model) is one of the most inexpensive gas pistol on the market. However, this disaster proved that you get what you pay for - and sometimes not even that.
UTG/UAG QD Foregrip Review

This foregrip is a great quality full metal foregrip for $20. If you are looking for a basic foregrip for stabilizing your AEG, you can't go wrong with it.
JG G3 Review
At $140 the JG G3 is a reasonably affordable gun by a decent brand. But how good is is, and can it compare to the other AEG's in its price range?
The Bottom Line
I've decided to add a new section to all my review posts called the Bottom Line. The purpose is to provide a standardized summary for all my reviews that allows all readers to summarize all my ramblings into a concise approximation (getting carried away with the vocabulary again) of a blasters abilities and value.
UTG Red Dot Sight
This red dot made by UTG is pretty much the rock bottom price for Airsoft red dots. But is it worth the low price?
M14 MagPul
Perfect AEG
Mossberg M500 Cruiser Shotgun Review
For a beginner looking for a fairly good gun at a low price, a spring shotgun is the perfect weapon. No other springer can compete with the high fps, high fire rate and durability of a simple spring shotgun.
UHC Spring Revolver Review
CYMA CM028 Ak47 Review
This is my in-depth review of the CYMA CM028 Ak47 AEG. It's low price tag and high make it a desirable AEG to have.
AR&M Performance/Value Scores
At the end of every review I add the AR&M Performance/Value Score. So what in the Internet does that mean?
NcStar 3-9 x 40 Scope
The NCStar 3-9 x 40 scope is an excellent choice when looking for a scope for Airsoft or any other purpose. And for the price, it is absolutely outstanding.
DE G36 Review
Crosman Stinger P36 Mod
This Crosman pistol was a freebie with the Crosman R39. For fun I did a little mod and added a silencer.